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What is E-learning? Know the major virtual platforms

Do you know what is E-learning and how it has changed the way we educate ourselves? 

In recent years, the speed and the ease of access to new technologies have enabled the implementation of the ICT (Information Technology and Communications) in the management of the teaching by means of virtual education. Many digital resources that were previously in the background have become more important in the learning process for many people. These were the pillars for the creation of the new concept of “E-learning” .

estudiante e-learning

The arrival of the pandemic by Covid-19 created better conditions to accept and practice this type of training over the internet. Many people saw in it a convenient option to develop greater skills within your professional sector or learn new skills that will allow them to expand their possibilities in the labour market.

1. What is E-learning?

E-learning is derived from the words in English “electronic learning”. This concept refers to a new system of training that uses the internet as an indispensable factor to be able to carry out various educational activities.

There are different ways to understand and apply the concept of e-learning as a methodology of learning through the internet. It should be noted that the e-learning is not to use an electronic device or computer on the inside of a classroom. There are several types of E-learning that although they have similarity present peculiarities in their teaching methodology and what we are touching more detail in this article.

2. Features of E-learning

aprendizaje virtual

It is clear that e-learning makes it possible to benefit from any type of training from an online platform. Within this teaching virtual users are able to interact with an instructor and get study materials necessary for your academic progress. Below we will look at some characteristics of e-learning:

  • It is easy to use.
  • Owns a system of multimedia (text, audio, video, image).
  • The instructor and student have a close contact in the learning process.
  • Affordable price for the majority of users.
  • Employs teaching methods adapted to each student.
  • Interactive and easy to access.

3. Types of E-learning

The E-learning has been a factor revolutionary for many people who sought to gain access to a training modalities that suit your time and needs. These different circumstances have led to the creation of several types of E-Learning tailored according to the frequency of interaction, the uses of devices and modes of applied learning. Now we will see different types of E-learning:

1. E-learning as the interaction or degree of presence.

  • Synchronous: Here the interaction is direct and occurs when student and instructor are connected by a call or videoconference at the same time. There are many resources available in this case as whiteboards, shared and chat rooms.
  • Asynchronous: It is characterized by failure to provide a real-time interaction. The instructor and the student can be reached at different times by means of messages or by e-mail. It is important to highlight the autonomy of the student in the time that you dedicated to the study and your pace of learning. Here though it is also used the electronic whiteboard, the class are usually recorded.

2. E-Learning according to the type of learning


  • Adaptive: This type of e-learning is to focus their methodology on the needs of each student or participant. For this purpose, the materials and resources are used in order to facilitate the learning of the student. Platforms such as Udemy can be an example of this.
  • Interactive online: Here, although the communication between students and teachers is bidirectional, the interaction is not usually at the same time. The method of teaching is often changed depending on the proposals or the needs of the students. An example of this method of learning is the platform Crehana and Skillshare.
  • Collaborative online: The aim of this learning is to develop new skills as a group. The objectives of teaching are going to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of each student to the time it is complemented with the learning of other students, this way each student learns from the other. We can see part of a collaborative learning platforms such as Coursera and EdX.
  • E-fixed: It is recognized as the typical teaching method that offers the same training content for all students. Here there is no control at the time of study or check the progress of each student, because all the program of the course has been planned to expose it with a few changes or updates on the fly.

3. E-Learning according to the device

  • M-Learning or mobile learning: This kind of learning is characterized by using mobile devices, such as tablets and works by means of applications. Here Icts play an important role for the implementation and development of this mode of learning. It should be noted that the content may be downloaded on each device.
  • U-Learning, or learning oblique: Here may be used in mobile devices the same as in the M-Learning, however, the methodology of teaching is not only limited to it. It is also añadible any means that allows you to create, send, and receive content, such as the use of video conferencing.
  • B-Learning or blended learning: The B-learning offers a method of teaching hybrid, that is to say a part of the education is done in a virtual classroom and the other face-to-face or physical.

4. Benefits or advantages of E-learning

Now we will see the advantages of e-learning and the benefits they provide to their users.

  • It is self-contained: E-learning platforms offer a greater control of the time in the development of the course or training online. This allows users to manage the study time of a daily or weekly basis. Gives you the freedom of choosing what content to study, when and how.
  • Without geographic limits: Study regardless of the place where you are is a great advantage in e-learning. Students have access to formations near your location or in remote locations in the world.
  • Immediacy: A good internet connection is an important factor in the application of e-learning. Within this system of teaching is possible to perform any type of communication in a single click, as well as interactions in real time between tutors and students.
  • Flexibility: Virtual education within the e-learning system is not tied to dates or specific calendars. Its mode of online allows a secure connection to the advantage of any statement at any time.

5. Platforms of E-learning

Below you will see the major e-learning platforms of today.

1. Crehana is a recognized startup peruvian dedicated to providing educational content varied from an interactive platform. Has the goal to revolutionize the teaching and enhance learning in many countries of Latin america. 

It offers an annual membership in order to access all courses and opt for further training customized as microdegrees. You can learn more about Crehana by clicking here.

2. Udemy has an online training platform with different themes. Allows every user to not only to learn free courses and paid but promotes the idea of creating courses and promote it on the platform in order to generate revenue through subscriptions to achieve.

In Udemy students can find economic alternatives to study where you can also contact their instructors via personal messages. Here you can find the success case of Udemy.

3. Coursera is a platform to study with a great capacity to revolutionize learning in the digital world. It has courses taught by the world's best universities, its educational programs are aimed at high-level courses in areas such as technology, business, arts, languages and humanities.

You can learn more from Coursera here.

4. Skillshare is a platform that offers online courses through a subscription system. 

It has the objective of providing courses that serve as the necessary skills for the future so that their users to be able to better perform their profession and apply to best jobs. 

You can see the case of Skillshare here.

5. EdX is a web site dedicated to provide free courses conducted by prestigious universities in the world such as Harvard. 

You have the responsibility of generating conventions educational with large corporations and institutions with the aim of democratizing education and bring it to any part of the world. You can know the success case of EdX here.

6. Udacity is a well-recognized platform of courses free of charge, was created in the year 2011. It has many of your courses applied in the area of technology, the uniqueness of this platform is that it receives students from 13 to 80 years.

You can check the success of Udacity doing click here.